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Rock Solid | An Introduction

Empowering a Movement of Kingdom Leaders

An Adventure In Leadership Growth


The design of Rock Solid is to provide an intensive nine-month small group discipleship experience empowering leaders to become rock-solid on the inside and dangerous for the Kingdom on the outside. Using content that Dr. Chuck Olson has developed over four decades in leadership, leaders are challenged through a variety of work. Dialoguing through Scriptures, readings from selected books, individual assessments of strengths and spiritual gifts, and taking an in-depth look into many key disciplines and sacred practices of the ages. All of the Rock Solid journey is designed to enable leaders to clarify and execute more fully their Kingdom calling and to lead courageously from the inside out.


LWYL Virtual Gathering

There are lots of great things happening because of the Rock Solid journey we are taking.  Even better for me is the fact that this group is so needed in our church right now.  This is just what the ‘doctor ordered’ for us. To survive and thrive as a body of Christ we absolutely need what RS is producing and will produce.  I don’t expect miracles but miracles are happening…….over a period of sustained truth and grace, the leaders taking this 9-month challenge will become influential and courageous in their spheres of leadership. I can hardly express my thanks enough. -Kevin

Man, last night was fire! I think we’ll look back at last night as one of the turning points in our journey together. Loved each one’s prayers at the end. The Lord is stirring among us. The guys are calling out for the Lord to set a fire in their souls. Such a great journey. So good! -Brandon

Chuck Olson produces some amazing articles on management. I highly recommend following his organization “Lead With Your Life.” As the wife of one of the graduates of his program, I can honestly say it was transformative for my husband and has impacted our entire family for the good.  -Amy